Stripe Test
from the cycle 50% Grey; B/W photograph on baryta paper; 700 × 1000 mm
purchased 2018 with the support of the Czech Ministry of Culture
In the series 50% Grey Jiří Thýn explores the limits and boundaries of analogue photography. He is no longer concerned with the depicted reality, rather with technological experiments in the medium of photography, which create a form of behind-the-scenes “alchemy” that is difficult for viewers to perceive and understand.
“The work is always presented as two parts: first the ‘negative’ (3 to 5 upright glass panels arranged facing each other on a shelf) and then the corresponding photogram. The presentation strategy is based on the idea that two different elements form one part of the work. The work as a whole points to the importance of process, and possibly also to reception, and it alludes to the instability of the concept of artworks in general. Photography does not produce a faithful image of the world; instead it subjects the world to a deep transformation by means of materials and light.”
Jiří Thýn