The exhibition, created by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IFA) and the curator Regina Stephan, has travelled over the world since 1999 and is being introducing works of famed German-Jewish architect Erich Mendelsohn (1887–1953) through sketches, schemes, pictures and models. Its repetition held by Gallery of fine Arts in Ostrava and SPOK – society for Ostrava’s culture, in cooperation with Goethe-Institute Prague and under the patronage of the National Heritage Institute director-general Naďa Goryczková, took place from May 22 to July 5, 2009 in Ostrava’s House of the Arts.
Jaroslav Němec
Co-ordinator: IFA Stuttgart
Curators: Regina Stephan, Tadeáš Goryczka, Jaroslav Němec, Martin Strakoš