Untitled, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1972, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm
Untitled, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1972, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm
Untitled, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1973, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm
Untitled, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1973, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm
Untitled, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1971, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm
Nude 1, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1975, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm
Untitled, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1974, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm
Untitled, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1975, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm
Untitled, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1975, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm
Untitled, (from the cycle Ostrava landscape), 1974, photograph, paper, 395 × 300 mm