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House of Art
TUES–SUN 10:00–18:00

REDUCTIVE.NL / Four generations of geometric-abstract art from the Netherlands

23. 1. – 22. 3. 2015
The Patronage of the Exhibition has been assumed by His Excellence Sir Eduard W. V. M. Hoeks, The Ambassador of The Kingdom of The Netherlands in Prague

The exhibition Reductive.NL shows the works of four generations of artists from the Netherlands. The oldest participant is Cyril Lixenberg (1932-2015), whose sculptures are space drawings combining synthetically emotions and reason. The youngest are Tijl Orlando Frijns (1987) and Anna Barbara Kolbe (1989). The exhibition presents nearly 60 years of geometric abstraction and concrete art. Impersonal, distant and rational elements are overcome by a personal, poetic and soulful approach. Therefore this direction in the visual arts still has a huge potential and may rejoice a wide interest, especially among artists.

Piet Augustijn

In 2012 I met Jarosław Denisiuk, the director of Galerie El Elbląg in Poland, and suggested him to organize the exhibition of geometric-abstract artworks from Dutch artists. I wanted this exhibition to be a broad overview of Dutch concrete art: from 2D and 3D works, both young and older artists, both male and female, both the ‛strict‛ version of the concrete art as well as the more ‛loose‛ and personal version of it. Both the ‛traditional‛ and the innovative techniques. In the end, the exhibition consists of 160 works of 32 Dutch geometric artists from four generations, to be shown in four different countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Hungary. Never before has such a large international presentation of Geometric Art from the Netherlands been undertaken. I think everybody involved in this project can be very proud of the result.

Roland de Jong Orlando

Curator:Roland de Jong Orlando
Graphic Design: Janusz, KozakKateřina Kašpar Goryczka
Realisation: Jarosław Denisiuk, Dominika Dworoková, Zdeněk Fedák, Tadeáš Goryczka, Roland de Jong Orlando, Jiří Jůza, Jan Kudrna, Josef Mladějovský, Gabriela Pelikánová, Jana Sedláková, Renata Skřebská, Vladimír Šulc
Texts: Piet Augustijn, Jarosław Denisiuk, Roland de Jong Orlando
Promotion: Kateřina Naarová, Jana Šrubařová
Education: Marcela Pelikánová, Jana Sedláková
Co-organiser of the Exhibition: Jarosłav Denisiuk, Centrum Sztuki Galeria EL; Jiří Jůza, Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě; Tadeáš Goryczka, Kabinet Architektury Ostrava; Anna Ondrušeková, Tatranská Galeria Poprad; Viktor Hulík, Galeria Z Bratislava

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