Publication and exhibition concept: Renata Skřebská
Texts: Renata Skřebská
Reviewer: Lenka Lindaurová
Editors: Jana Malášek Šrubařová, Magdaléna Staňková
Photographs: scanner GVUO, private archives, Oto Palán, Ladislav Schäfer, Edmund Kijonka, Václav Šípoš, Hana Číhalová, Martin Popelář
English translation: Christopher Hopkinson
Graphic design: Katarína Jamrišková
Print: Tiskárna Helbich, Brno
Print run: 400 copies
Published by the Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava, 2022
ISBN 978-80-87405-72-7
This publication was produced to accompany the retrospective exhibition The Natural Ones 1989–1992 Ostrava's wild bunch, held at the House of Arts, Ostrava (Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava) from 21 September to 31 December 2022.
The project is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture.
in Czech and English