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House of Art
TUES–SUN 10:00–18:00
Pavel Nešleha – Stopy síly (Pavel Nešleha – "Traces of Force") - Pavel Nešleha

Pavel Nešleha – Stopy síly (Pavel Nešleha – "Traces of Force")

Petr Wittlich’s Traces of Force is an insightful exploration of the photographic work of painter Pavel Nešleha (1937 – 2003) that sensitively uncovers the artist’s fundamental way of thinking and seeing. Wittlich guides the reader through Nešleha’s artistic cycles from 1971–2002, whose central motifs – influenced by the artist’s Romantic disposition – included natural processes, landscape sceneries, structures found in nature, and disappearing monuments imbued with cultural tradition and human history.

Czech, English

Texts: Mahulena Nešlehová, Petr Wittlich
Published by KANT in 2012
108 pp., Hardcover

ISBN 978-80-7437-076-2

Product code: KP 1093
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