Abstrakce: Čechy mezi centry modernity 1918–1950 ("Abstraction: Bohemia among the centers of modernity 1918–1950")
The book offers an image of artistic creation that is provocatively different from how we know it from traditional art histories. It is based primarily on the visualization of unusual combinations of paintings and sculptures (Josef Šíma, František Drtikol, Vasili Kandinský, Zdeněk Pešánek) with the design of utility objects by both celebrities (Sonia Delaunay, Wenzel Hablik, Marianne Brandt) and anonymous factory designers. Through almost five hundred reproductions of Czech and foreign works, he shows that direct and indirect interdisciplinary relations were not one-way, but interactive.
Texts: Rousová, Hana Published by Arbor vitae and UMPRUM in 2015. 248 pp., Hardcover